Sol Lewitt Distorted Cubes / Bozuk Küpler, 2001. 115,5 x 92 cm. Linocut print Ed. 20/50.
Sol LeWitt Irregular Arcs, Band and Loops / Düzensiz Yaylar, Şeritler ve Halkalar, 2000. 51 x 105.5 cm. Silkscreen, Ed. 39/45.
Sol Lewitt Isometric Figures in Five and Six Colors/ Beş ve Altı Renkte İzometrik Figürler, 2002. 96 x 71 cm. Colour linocut,wood print Ed.43/55.
Sol LeWitt Lincoln Center Print / Lincoln Center Baskısı, 1999. 113 x 93 x 4 cm. Screenprint, Ed. 108 + 18 AP.